Zouterik on Grenada


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Storms, high seas, sea sickness, scratches and bruises, maybe even a broken bone. When you set off on a journey like ours, you’re prepared for these kinds of injuries.

Engine problems, torn sails, other boat parts that brake down, relational challenges… Hey, even a pandemic was something that we could overcome. All we needed to do was just keep calm, breathe and take it one day at a time.

But nothing could prepare us for a child that is in chronic pain. Almost 3 months ago Linde fell off a sled while having fun in the snow. The result? A whiplash and a concussion.

We thought it would heal in a couple of days. Maybe a few weeks. But 11 weeks after her unfortunate fall, Linde still deals with 24/7 headaches, dizziness, nightmares, lack of energy and concentration and fatigue.

As a result we have not been able to sail very far. A few miles per day are too intense already. School has not been a part of Lindes daily schedule since the crash. We take Berber out to play or hike to give Linde some peace and quiet on the boat.

Our future plans had to be put on hold completely.

We are so happy with friends back home and here in Canada who have helped her and us to deal with the situation. Tips and suggestions about professional treatments, dietary supplements, exercises, massage techniques, relaxation and music apps, brain training and just reassuring remarks: it all helps Linde to beat and overcome this misfortune.

It might surprise you but professional understanding of concussions is still in its infancy. A concussion isn’t visible from the outside, so we’ve had to read, learn and understand a lot about the body and the brain and how to let them heal. It might take a lot more months or even years for her to heal completely.

After 11 weeks we are happy to see some improvement. Lindes energy levels are going up, we see a happy face again and she has learned to say ‘no’ when the pain gets too much. Unfortunately the headache is still there, 24/7. But the most important thing is that we’ve learned that her head is not broken, her brains just temporarily lost their user manual.

Slowly we can start thinking about the future again and how to get home. But we’re going to have to follow Lindes rhythm.

We can’t wait to see Linde smiling again like she’s with her head in the clouds, on top of the world!

#sailingaroundtheworld #dealingwithmisfortune